
Showing posts from December, 2018

My 2018

Transparency is nice. Before I begin to highlight my 2018, I'd like to note that if I spend $1 today, it is easy to associate it with "only the cost of X.. Y.. Z". Ex. A Coke , A snickers bar (damn i love snickers), half a gallon of gas... This is a trap.  $1 spent today on something that is not food, water, shelter, used to get to work (where I generate more cash), or a responsible amount of fun-having/travel/beers with the boys... that $1 is $1 I could have invested or saved today. $1 in 1980 = $3.06 today $1 in 1990 = $1.93 today $1 in a savings account would of course be inflated away to 1/3 or 1/2 its value... BUT what if we invest it...? In the S&P500: 1980 = $110 12/31/2018 = $2,505 In Berkshire Hathaway: 1954 = $10k 2018 = $240 Million Warren Buffet's company is certainly a lofty standard to hold yourself to when it comes to investment returns, but you get the point. That Coke I bought yesterday costs WAY more than $1.29. Shit.. Jay's...

Welcome to 2019 & Welcome to the FIRE Dept.

Happy New Year, friends. I wish you all well. Welcome to 2019: I hope this site helps you get a solid grasp on your $ this year. I will attempt to keep this site simple & transparent. I encourage you to check out the following pages displayed above that are already live on the site. You should be able to get through them in no more than 15 minutes. $ Prioritization  - how to prioritize the cash you earn. Your Personal Balance Sheet  - a way to track your financial situation every time Dec 31 rolls around. FIRE Template  - this google doc will continue to grow and have templates for everything I do on this site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I created this small blog site to begin sharing the things I know about managing one's personal finances. If you're looking to get rich quick, please look elsewhere. If you like the sound of the idea of gaining financial ...