My 2018
Transparency is nice. Before I begin to highlight my 2018, I'd like to note that if I spend $1 today, it is easy to associate it with "only the cost of X.. Y.. Z". Ex. A Coke , A snickers bar (damn i love snickers), half a gallon of gas... This is a trap. $1 spent today on something that is not food, water, shelter, used to get to work (where I generate more cash), or a responsible amount of fun-having/travel/beers with the boys... that $1 is $1 I could have invested or saved today. $1 in 1980 = $3.06 today $1 in 1990 = $1.93 today $1 in a savings account would of course be inflated away to 1/3 or 1/2 its value... BUT what if we invest it...? In the S&P500: 1980 = $110 12/31/2018 = $2,505 In Berkshire Hathaway: 1954 = $10k 2018 = $240 Million Warren Buffet's company is certainly a lofty standard to hold yourself to when it comes to investment returns, but you get the point. That Coke I bought yesterday costs WAY more than $1.29. Shit.. Jay's...